Why it pays to report work comp claims promptly
How faster workers’ compensation claim reporting can reduce costs It pays to report work comp claims promptly. Conversely, the longer your insurance client waits to report a work injury, the more expensive that injury is likely to be. Our sister company...
Top 7 workers’ compensation claim mistakes and how to avoid them
Workers’ compensation claims are potentially part of every business, whether your client (or yourself as a self-insured company) only employs workers sitting all day at desks, construction workers, medical staff, agricultural workers, a fleet of drivers or more....
Do you have a business continuity plan?
Amidst COVID-19: Is your business continuity plan active? Your business has weathered multiple storms: Vendors who didn’t deliver. Employee mistakes that cost the company. Perhaps even a claim or two. But do you have a business continuity plan to help weather true...
Safety steps for restaurants during COVID
While not proven to be a primary channel of the coronavirus transmission, it’s important to remain vigilant regarding restaurant food safety during COVID, especially as restrictions ease and food retail industries resume operations. If the operations of your...
4 Pandemic Employment and Tech Trends Challenge Insurers
This article by Dhara Patel, president of Brown & Brown Services Segment (including ICA), published in Property Casualty 360 on April 26, 2022. Insurers sell a promise, and they deliver on that promise when claims arise. That’s where the value of insurance rises...
Workplace Personal Protective Equipment
In the era of COVID-19, everyday safety essentials include face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and other equipment that helps stop the spread of infection. While these are important materials in terms of the pandemic, workplace personal protective equipment, or PPE,...
PGCS resolves work comp claims faster with Head Injury and COVID Management programs
Last week we discussed two 2022 workers’ compensation care upgrades, Rebound and RapidResponse, that not only significantly help resolve claims more quickly, but also lower payouts and reduce litigation costs for employers and insurers. Even more important, they...
PGCS announces 2022 workers’ comp upgrades to speed healing
Four of the PGCS/AmeriSys 2022 workers’ comp claims upgrades will significantly help resolve claims more quickly, providing injured employees the latest in quality medical care and returning them to gainful employment. At the same time, they will help in lowering...
Bringing Clarity To Cyber Business Interruptions
Combined with a well-organized business continuity (BC) or disaster response (DR) plan, organizations can significantly reduce business interruption or disruption, or worse.